Friday, January 4, 2013

Pre-departure Orientation at Baltimore Intl. Hostel

After two days of orienting activities, it's time to depart for Uganda via Amsterdam. There were humorous and sobering moments that prepared us for what we'll see and experience in Uganda. You'd be surprised how much you can learn from a tent pole, a horseshoe discussion, a Necklaces meet Headbands game, and a day-trip to Baltimore's Lexington Market. We also had a lecture from Ms. Lin Lin Aung, an expert discussant from International Youth Foundation, where she works on the YouthMap Uganda project. Most importantly, we met the Ugandan partner students via Skype! (see a few photos below)

 Dom and Ellie Skype with their Ugandan partner 

 Molly and Alex use the BIH piano bench for their Skype session

 BIH was a great retreat for students to reflect and do research before departure

Students hard at work finding articles related to their topics

 BIH has lots of provocative art--we fell in love with the big ballerina

One last group photo before we depart!

1 comment:

  1. Be safe and enjoy your trip. We love you Dom!!! Maria, Drew, Max, Jacob and Joshua
